Friday, June 20, 2008

Jon Mark is 13!

OMG, can you believe it? Here are the signs of a teenage boy in the house:
1. There's a room down the hallway which continues to have a peculiar smell; a mixture of ballpark dust, sweaty basketball shorts, and Axe.

2. There are boxes full of Star Wars figures, Hot Wheels from the 90's, and sports cards in plastic sleeves on the top shelf of the closet.

3. The noise level intensifies when he is home.

4. MySpace is the favorite website visited daily on the family computer.

What a great kid he is as well. Though he still is rotten to his sisters and sometimes if brave enough to his parents, overall - he is doing quite well.
I am proud to be his dad and fellow brother in Christ.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Run, Abby, Run!

Our girls are involved in the Deer Park Track Camp this summer. Here are some vids of Abby (purple shirt) in the first week:

It has been really difficult to wake up early and run from 8:00 to 9:30 AM in the Texas heat, but it's been worth getting them out of the house in the summer, not to mention keeping them active for 90 minutes in a physical activity.

Where is Jon Mark? Basketball Camp from 8:30 to 11:30 AM...running of course.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

19 - 1

The Mets won the 2008 Deer Park Little League City Championship! We had an undefeated season and breezed through the first round of the playoffs. But in the Championship round, we beat the Astros 3-0 the first game. It was a perfect game pitched by Cade Wilson for 5 innings and Jon Mark Feeback for the final inning.

We went into the second game of the series with Jon Mark starting and going four innings on a sore shoulder. We lost 1-0. He pitched great and we played good defense, but did not hit the ball well. During the season, we averaged 9 runs a game and gave up an average of 2 per. It was rather shocking that we could not produced runs.
In the third and decisive game, we won 14-0! It was a great season and a great team.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Comedic Conversations With God

This is hilarious stuff by Comedian Tim Hawkins:

Here are some prayers I can recall praying:
- In 1992, Mabel Gillespie (90+ years old) asked me to pray that God would take her to relieve her suffering...she died two days later.

- Emma, when she was 3 asked me to pray for Dale Earnhardt's wife the night he died at Daytona.

- Jon Mark at age 6 prayed for the U.S. Troops and the Afghanistanian people the night we invaded and began the hunt for Bin Laden.

Ken Griffey, Jr

In 1992, I recall reading a Sports Illustrated article that suggested Ken Griffey, Jr would be the most likely candidate to hit more Home Runs than Hank Aaron (755).

Over time, that prediction has not been reached due to injuries, but yesterday he joined Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, and Sammy Sosa as the only players ever to hit at least 600 Home Runs. Watch #600!
He has been one of my favorite players (along with Greg Maddux, Roger Clemens, and Derek Jeter) over the last 20 years.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Can You Say Proud Parents?

Jon Mark received the 2007-08 Deer Park Junior High 7th Grade Boys 110% Award. He was really shocked, but I must say - though we are pleasantly surprised, it doesn't shock us. Jon Mark plays hard on every play whether he's involved directly or not. He has always has a keen sense of where to be on the field or court and what to do in order to be a part of the action.