was at Shearer Elementary in Winchester, Kentucky attending a carnival that night. I was 12 years old and in the 7th grade. Basketball was my fav sport and I had "tried-out" for the Belmont Junior High team that season, but was cut. My buddies challenged me to shoot in the free-throw contest cuz they knew more than the coaches that I had talent and was a good shooter. I was bummed over not making the team, but knew I was pretty good. However, to shut them up, I stepped to the line...and drained 13 in a row! No other kid or adult came close. I won a case of 7UP!
In the meantime, the school had placed a TV on a big rolling stand in the hallway leading into the gym that night because of the NCAA Championship. I ran back and forth between cake walks, fish ponds, shooting free throws, and the game - just to catch moments of history...Larry Bird vs Magic Johnson.
I was a little bothered that Magic's Mighigan State beat Bird's Indiana State; but I liked them both and continued to root for both, prefering Bird head-to-head through the years.
Watch the interview with Bird and Magic!