Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Hall of Fame & Steroids

As I have noted in previous post , I really don't care about the steroids and the Hall of Fame voting. If I had a vote, those that were worthy by their numbers would be in the HOF. Check out this explaination by Buster Olney, speaking about Mark McGwire:
I will vote for McGwire, as I will vote for all of the elite players from that time we know as the steroids era. I believe most of the elite players of the time used performance-enhancing drugs, in the absence of oversight from the union or Major League Baseball -- but in trying to formulate a consistent standard on this issue, I do not know who did what. Which leaves me two options: Vote for nobody, or set aside the issue of performance-enhancing drugs and simply vote for the best players of the era. Separate of that: It's not the place for writers to be making these kinds of decisions. We shouldn't be involved in the HOF voting.

This quote and many others can be found in this link: .

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