Monday, February 01, 2010

Deer Park High School Baseball!

Today, Jon Mark found out that he made the Deer Park Deer Baseball Team! Wow!

Here are the freshmen picked out of 86 kids who tried out: Vince Vega, Cade Williams, Clay Thompson, Matt Cauley, Jordan Gardea, Derek Boneke, Joey Rangel, Zach Kent, Stephan Gehringer, Josh Pettitte, Tyler Butterfras, Ashton Cleveland, Tyler Allen, Josh Rutherford, Tyler Jarvis, Jay Turnipseed, Eric Luna, Landon Bedrich, Brittan Brown, Bailey Darden, Jacob Hickman, Brian Pattison, John Lopez, Zach Bajula, and Jon Mark Feeback.

Some left off, but played on the Mickey Mantle Team were: C.J. Babb, Noah Cano, Mitchell Wilkinson, Brandon Hock, Cameron Gregory, Michael Heim, Kyle Liescheski, Nolan Sampson, Chad Leatherwood, and Tyler Martin. Daniel Grider, who should have made it, did not.

That's a lot of players, plus many more who tried out and perhaps just had a tough workout. People like: Ryan Husemann, Taylor Sisemore, Eric Fitzwater, and Jacob Daugherty - good kids, decent talent...but just weren't chosen.
I find it totally amazing and pitiful that among all those Little League and All-Star teams Jon Mark played with, only Tyler Allen and Landon Bedrich made the high school team with him.

Then only 12 of them were in Pony League, the other 13 decided not to play Pony, I heard because of the shotty politics. hahaha

Granted, Jon Mark is younger than his peers in the 9th grade, so there may be a few more join him next season, such as Cade Wilson, Joshua Martinez, and others.

It tells me that players come from all over and from various leagues, cities, and select teams.

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