Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Wal-Mart Walk

Working at one of the largest employers in nation has given me the chance to observe how people walk as they shop. Here are four out of many ways customers make their way down the aisles of Wal-Mart.

1. "I'm in a hurry, so don't ask me how I am doing" walk. This is brisk, singular focused, and downright impersonal. Don't even try to greet them, just smile and get out of the way.

2. "I am really enjoying being away from the house" waltz. This is primarily accomplished by stay-at-home-parents; who have passed on the youngins to the spouse and have hit the highway to get out of dodge for a moment.

3. Sometimes if you are observant long enough, you can spot the "I have no idea where anything is" stroll. They have a buggy (shopping cart for you more educated breed) with nothing in it! They have a look that says, "They have moved the applesauce on me again." When asked if they could use some assistance, they are pointed in the right direction and life goes back to normal.

4. Finally you have the "I really don't want to be here" walk. Mostly seen in teenagers, older elementary students, and bored husbands. It's usually a mopey, head-down, hands in pocket kind of step. They'd rather be playing Scrabble with their 5-year old neice. They would rather watch ESPN Sportscenter for the seventh time today.

People certainly do walk a certain way depending on their personality, life stage, and time left in the day. I have learned a lot by working at Wal-Mart.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The iPod Shuffle (again)

1. Our God Reigns by David Crowder Band. An appropriate selection on this day of 9/11.

2. Secret Ambition by Michael W. Smith. The mission and love of Jesus was and is such a mystery; we are still trying to figure it out...I guess that's why we call it faith?

3. The Living Years by Russ Lee. Originally done by someone in the 80's, but can't recall. A song about loving and expressing that love to your family before it's too late.

4. Foreplay/Long Time by Boston. A classic band and song.

5. Glorious Impossible by Sagemont Choir & Orchestra. A great Christmas tune!

6. Into the Fire by Bruce Springsteen. No Way! This is one of his "tribute" songs to the victims and survivors of 9/11...especially the firefighters and police officers who literally ran..."into the fire."

7. Peaceful World by John Mellencamp.

8. Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns and Roses. Tremendous 80's cut!

9. More Than Words by Extreme.

10. If It Makes You Happy by Sheryl Crow. Sheryl is an outstanding writer and musician.

9/11 - Where Were You?

I was sitting in class in graduate school when the professor came in and told us that he has no details, but a plane has crashed into the World Trade Center in NYC. Little did we realize how significant this day would be.

I began having chest pains and thought I may be having a heart attack. So I drove to the ER. After many tests, it was determined that I had pleurisy, which was easily treated.

Where were you? I'd like to hear your story...

Friday, September 07, 2007

Shuffle the Songs!

I have been exposed to this new "game" of sorts - the iPod shuffle. You simply hit the shuffle action on the pod and list your first 10! Here it goes...

1. "If You Want Me To" by Ginny Owens (outstanding lyrics concerning one who will do anything for God)

2. "All Creatures of Our God and King" by the David Crowder Band (a great group to catch live)

3. "Song for Rich" by Michael W. Smith (a tribute to Rich Mullins, who died in 1997)

4. "Grace Like Rain" by Todd Agnew (a new hymn for today's generation of God-seekers)

5. "Blowin' in the Wind by Bob Dylan (awesome! need I say more?)

6. "4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)" - by Bruce Springsteen (a fun song about growing up and falling in love)

7. "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow" - by Alison Krauss & Union Station (are you kidding me?)

8. "Lord, Reign in Me" - by the Passion Band (nice rendition of a prayer)

9. "Detroit Medley" - by Bruce Springsteen (a typical curtain-call last song at his concerts - the medley of songs are C.C. Rider, Good Golly Miss Molly, and usually some Elvis song)

10. "Give It Away" by Michael W. Smith (our faith isn't meant to be horded, but to be shared.)

Enjoy the list!