Thursday, December 27, 2007


Things that pull my attention toward the Diety (in no certain order)

- the birth of a child

- weddings

- funerals

- words that paint order out of chaos (Genesis 1) and hope in the midst of despair (Psalm 23).

- family reunions (the kind you only dream of)

- the greatest upset victories (David vs Goliath)

- sunsets (not up in time to see sunrises!)

- the Weather Channel

- "Reason To Believe" and "This Little Light of Mine" by Bruce Springsteen

- the moon

- troops coming home from war

- Shawshank Redemption

- my kids

- the poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (especially A Psalm of Life)

- hot air balloons

- coaching Little League Baseball

- in the midst of a terrific worship celebration

- a hundred thousand more things, people, sounds, smells, colors, events, etc

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The iPod Shuffle

1. Good To Be Alive - Geoff Moore & The Distance
2. The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
3. Superman (It's Not Easy) - Five For Fighting
4. Amanda - Boston
5. The Freshmen - The Verve Pipe
6. He'll Take Care Of The Rest - Keith Green
7. O Come Let Us Adore Him - Ryan Hunt
8. Hurts So Good - John Mellencamp
9. Strong Tower - Kutless
10. Crush - Dave Matthews Band

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Steroids, HGH, and America's Game

I really don't care about the steroid issue. Do I wish the players were "clean" and played the game with "natural talent" alone? Of course. We like our heroes and role models to be good people with pure hearts and motives.

Let's be serious here - I have seen players and friends chug energy drinks, caffeine-laden pops, and supplement shakes - before softball games in order to "get an edge" and raise their performance.
As a Little League Manager, I have seen parents hand soft drinks into the dugout and say to their 11- year old "Here, you seem tired tonight." I understand that these things are legal, as opposed to steroids. While we are upset and hurt over the baseball players' allegations and admissions. Let's consider what we do to perform better in jobs, activities, and school work to have more energy, focus, and success.

The bottom line for me is that I love baseball. I love coaching, playing, and watching the sport. The 1994 (232-day) MLB Strike did not faze me nor my passion for baseball. The Steroid Era is just that and I move on as a fan.
Addendum: After posting my thoughts, I read this by Jason Whitlock, it's worth your time:

Thursday, December 06, 2007


I love retreats and have attended 25 -30 in my life. I will be updating this new blog thingy, but all the while, retreating to rediscover faith, hope, and love.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Dream Dinner 3 - Musicians

My 8 Favorite Singer/Songwriters: chewing the fat, shooting the bull, talking shop, showing off pics of family, etc.
  • Bob Dylan at head of the table. The voice of the generation of hippies and world changers.
  • Bruce Springsteen to his right and Bono to his left. These two have an enormous fan base that transcends age, language, and culture.
  • John Mellencamp and Bryan Adams facing each other in the midst of the giants of music.
  • Elton John is at the other head and loves being there.
  • Billy Joel is at his right (they are very good friends) and Dave Matthews on Elton's left.

This collection of souls and artists have caught my attention and have spoken into my life through the beauty of rhyme, rhythm, and lyrical prose.

Who would you like to see at your dinner table?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Fav Steven Wright Jokes

* Someone sent me a postcard picture of the earth. On the back it said, "Wish you were here."

* Cross Country skiing is great if you live in a small country.

* I spilled spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone.

* "Did you sleep well?" "No, I made a couple of mistakes."

* It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.

* Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time.

* What's another word for Thesaurus?

* If you were going to shoot a mime, would you use a silencer?

* If you tell a joke in the forest, but nobody laughs, was it a joke?

* I saw a bank that said "24 Hour Banking", but I don't have that much time.

* I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time". So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.

* For my birthday I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier...I put them in the same room and let them fight it out.

* I installed a skylight in my apartment. The people who live above me are furious!

* I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Dream Dinner 2 - Presidents and Friends

- Abraham Lincoln sitting beside Biz Gainey. These two can be brutally honest and truthful!

- Thomas Jefferson sitting beside Rod Leupp - these two are so brilliant.

- Ronald Reagan sitting beside me because he is one of my favorites.

- George W. Bush sitting beside my dad, who would love to chat about baseball and farming.

Peggy Noonan (Presidential speechwriter) in her book "What I Saw At The Revolution", wrote of her years writing speeches for President Reagan. She wrote the famous speech at the Space Shuttle Challenger Memorial Service, which has been tagged by many as one of the greatest speeches/moments of any U.S. President. Reagan was tender, compassionate, honoring, and rather pastoral during the speech to the grieving family and saddened country.

Noonan also wrote the famous speech Reagan gave in Normandy, France at the 20th Anniversary of D-Day. It is also considered one of the brightest moments of Reagan's speeches. Again, honoring, compassionate, and pastoral.

It is an awesome book! I recommend it to anyone who wants to get a glance into the Reagan years.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Dream Dinner - Comedians and Friends

I had the brilliant idea to come up with Dream Dinners. These are "fantasy" meals with famous people along with my friends and family.

For instance, the first one is...Comedians (or comical people in my life). I would love to have a fun time eating and listening to these funny people:

- Adam Sandler
-Jason Roe (my brother-in-law who is hilarious)
-Steven Wright
- Peter Hall (friend who acts like me on mega-caffeine)
- Robin Williams
- Tim Cain (the craziest, spazzed-out, ADHD filled friend of mine)
- Jeff Foxworthy
- Luke Bentley (a friend that will make your gut hurt from laughter)

My prediction is that Tim and Robin would hit it off real fast and have their own lingo within 13 minutes. Steven would just watch everyone and make dry jokes on everyone's account. Adam, Peter, and Jason would be friends quickly as they are all three about the same age. And then you got Luke and Foxworthy - making fun of the rednecks that they are.

Let's get the party started!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Abundant Living

The 3 C's of Abundant Living (modified from E. Stanley Jones devotional):

- Live in Christ

- Live with Character

- Live for a Cause

I will need to comment more later when I have more time.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I Bleed Blue!

It's that time of year when the NFL is underway; MLB has a thing called The World Series; the NBA is ready to roll; and the Kentucky Wildcats are gearing up for another season of roundball.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

My Favorite Retreat Settings in 1978 (I was 12)

10. In our pull-behind camper sitting in our gravel driveway. It was cozy, damp, and had three beds.

9. Shooting basketball alone in my neighbors sloped-narrow-much in need of resurfacing driveway. The ball sometimes would bounce high off the rim and hit the house just below their bathroom window.

8. Riding the Brown Bomber, my 10-speed that could top out 20 mph downhill, no hands!

7. Dad building out back, full of random tools, wood, and other adult stuff that I dared not bother.

6. Our large Maple tree in the backyard. It was really full and very colorful in the Fall.

5. On our rooftop. Yes, I literally climbed up the 20 foot CB tower beside our house and stepped out in faith onto the slick, terribly angled shingles. I loved watching the Hot Air Balloon Race from there. I spied on my brother and sister from there too!

4. Me and my buddies made a cave-like clubhouse with blackberry bushes and other types of twigs and branches. It was like we left civilization when we were in there.

3. My neighbor Tony Lawson's clubhouse that his dad built for him. Here we held concerts, secret meetings, and other boy stuff.

2. The Railroad Tracks. One day, I walked all the way to the bypass from our house using the tracks! It was a long way and I still dream of that journey that my bf Adam Rowe and I took on many other Saturdays.

1. Roger Beam's pine tree. This was the thickest, tallest tree on the street (so it seemed). No one ever knew when I was up there retreating and being alone.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

2007 Deer Park Texas Little League Mets

The Top 20 Plays/Performances of the Year
(in random order)

1. Taylor's huge 2-run HR against the Astros that rested 35 feet beyond the fence and is still going!

2. Jon Mark's diving tag at home plate to end the game against the Astros.

3. Ryan going 4 for 4…twice!

4. Cade striking out 5 in a row in the Championship Game against the Cards.

5. Jacob's right field smash to knock in the winning run and send us to the Championship!

6. JD striking out 7 Marlins in three innings.

7. Eric’s perfect throw from Right Field to 3rd Base to nail a Cardinal runner.

8. Jon Mark striking out 11 Astros in the playoffs, fanning every Astro except Tyler Allen.

9. Craig stealing 8 bases against the Marlins!

10. Joseph smashing two doubles against the Marlins.

11. Bunker ’s ground-rule double against the Cards to begin a rally of scoring five runs.

12. Ryan backing up 3rd Base, fielding an overthrow and firing home to nail the runner!

13. Taylor’s line drive HR over the Maroon Monster in Center Field against the Astros.

14. Kevin getting on base his first two AB and scoring both times.

15. Bunker from SS making all three outs in one inning against the Cards in the playoffs.

16. Taylor’s long and determined run in RF to catch a foul ball slicing away from him.

17. Ryan’s throw from SS to home plate to nail the Marlin runner in a close 2-0 win.

18. Joseph running down and tagging a Marlin to make the last out of the game.

19. Jon Mark’s two-out single in the bottom of the sixth to begin a game winning rally and eventually score the winning run on Jacob’s big hit.
20. Eric’s two-out ground rule double in the bottom of the sixth to move the runner over to 3B set up the winning run.
*Even though our season has been over since late June, I still have fond memories of this team and all we overcame and accomplished. Mets Rule!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Top Ten

You gotta check this cool site out! It is my dream come true...a place dedicated to Top Ten Lists! I have submitted two already for the world to vote.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Wal-Mart Walk

Working at one of the largest employers in nation has given me the chance to observe how people walk as they shop. Here are four out of many ways customers make their way down the aisles of Wal-Mart.

1. "I'm in a hurry, so don't ask me how I am doing" walk. This is brisk, singular focused, and downright impersonal. Don't even try to greet them, just smile and get out of the way.

2. "I am really enjoying being away from the house" waltz. This is primarily accomplished by stay-at-home-parents; who have passed on the youngins to the spouse and have hit the highway to get out of dodge for a moment.

3. Sometimes if you are observant long enough, you can spot the "I have no idea where anything is" stroll. They have a buggy (shopping cart for you more educated breed) with nothing in it! They have a look that says, "They have moved the applesauce on me again." When asked if they could use some assistance, they are pointed in the right direction and life goes back to normal.

4. Finally you have the "I really don't want to be here" walk. Mostly seen in teenagers, older elementary students, and bored husbands. It's usually a mopey, head-down, hands in pocket kind of step. They'd rather be playing Scrabble with their 5-year old neice. They would rather watch ESPN Sportscenter for the seventh time today.

People certainly do walk a certain way depending on their personality, life stage, and time left in the day. I have learned a lot by working at Wal-Mart.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The iPod Shuffle (again)

1. Our God Reigns by David Crowder Band. An appropriate selection on this day of 9/11.

2. Secret Ambition by Michael W. Smith. The mission and love of Jesus was and is such a mystery; we are still trying to figure it out...I guess that's why we call it faith?

3. The Living Years by Russ Lee. Originally done by someone in the 80's, but can't recall. A song about loving and expressing that love to your family before it's too late.

4. Foreplay/Long Time by Boston. A classic band and song.

5. Glorious Impossible by Sagemont Choir & Orchestra. A great Christmas tune!

6. Into the Fire by Bruce Springsteen. No Way! This is one of his "tribute" songs to the victims and survivors of 9/11...especially the firefighters and police officers who literally ran..."into the fire."

7. Peaceful World by John Mellencamp.

8. Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns and Roses. Tremendous 80's cut!

9. More Than Words by Extreme.

10. If It Makes You Happy by Sheryl Crow. Sheryl is an outstanding writer and musician.

9/11 - Where Were You?

I was sitting in class in graduate school when the professor came in and told us that he has no details, but a plane has crashed into the World Trade Center in NYC. Little did we realize how significant this day would be.

I began having chest pains and thought I may be having a heart attack. So I drove to the ER. After many tests, it was determined that I had pleurisy, which was easily treated.

Where were you? I'd like to hear your story...

Friday, September 07, 2007

Shuffle the Songs!

I have been exposed to this new "game" of sorts - the iPod shuffle. You simply hit the shuffle action on the pod and list your first 10! Here it goes...

1. "If You Want Me To" by Ginny Owens (outstanding lyrics concerning one who will do anything for God)

2. "All Creatures of Our God and King" by the David Crowder Band (a great group to catch live)

3. "Song for Rich" by Michael W. Smith (a tribute to Rich Mullins, who died in 1997)

4. "Grace Like Rain" by Todd Agnew (a new hymn for today's generation of God-seekers)

5. "Blowin' in the Wind by Bob Dylan (awesome! need I say more?)

6. "4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)" - by Bruce Springsteen (a fun song about growing up and falling in love)

7. "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow" - by Alison Krauss & Union Station (are you kidding me?)

8. "Lord, Reign in Me" - by the Passion Band (nice rendition of a prayer)

9. "Detroit Medley" - by Bruce Springsteen (a typical curtain-call last song at his concerts - the medley of songs are C.C. Rider, Good Golly Miss Molly, and usually some Elvis song)

10. "Give It Away" by Michael W. Smith (our faith isn't meant to be horded, but to be shared.)

Enjoy the list!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Generosity & The Reception of It

Why are we hesitant to receive free expressions of love and unsolicited kindness?

My hunch...we are prideful creatures.

We live with thoughts like these: "If I cannot get for myself, why do I deserve it from another?" or "If I receive, then I will be in debt and must return some kind of gift in the future."

First of all the last thought is a self-absorbed, ego-centric idea of a "this-for-that" economy and culture. You know it well as, "you best serve yourself and your family, because no one else will."

So, when someone else does...we freak and panic. "OMG! How can I ever repay you?" We miss the point of the gift. Reception does not determine or mandate repayment.


Growing Up

My only son and oldest child, Jon Mark, has begun the 7th grade which means a couple of significant events have already taken place:
1) He and his sister Emma went to their first Student Gathering (a.k.a. Youth Meeting) at the church last week.
2) He has his first football practice today after school.

Why are these two important in a young man's life? They are steps, processes, you know ... movement toward manhood. The student gathering means he gets to FINALLY rub shoulders, play foosball, eat pizza, get sweaty with zany games, and learn what it means to be a dedicated follower of Christ with a bunch of older dudes and gals. The friend part is cool and not discussed (boys and their friendships just happen; they are not planned nor analyzed). The gal part of Junior High life is totally chaotic and beautiful.

When you see a number of Junior High boys & girls in one room, there is this mass bulk of energy that appears confused, charged, and messy - appearances are sometimes accurate.
The chaos is a beautiful thing because it is a necessary and natural flow of human interaction; with a push of God's-ordained drive to be attracted to that opposite being sitting across the room.

The football team is another decision he has made on his own to be involved in athletics and to not be afraid of hard contact with the opposition, in order to make a good play and help his team/school win.

I am so proud of his growth academically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Friday, August 24, 2007

All Century MLB Team (circa 1999)

This is the official Major League Baseball All-Century Team voted by the fans in 1999. I have included my own "All-Time" team in a previous post; however I will add some modern players to the list.

The All-Century Team
Grover C. Alexander
Bob Gibson
Jim Palmer
Mordecai Brown
Lefty Grove
Eddie Plank
Steve Carlton
Carl Hubbell
Robin Roberts
Roger Clemens
Walter Johnson
Nolan Ryan
Dizzy Dean
Sandy Koufax
Tom Seaver
Dennis Eckersley
Greg Maddux
Warren Spahn
Bob Feller
Juan Marichal
Ed Walsh
Rollie Fingers
Christy Mathewson
Cy Young
Whitey Ford
Satchel Paige
(Randy Johnson)
(Pedro Martinez)
(Tom Glavine)
(Mariano Rivera)
(Curt Shilling)
(John Smoltz)
(Trevor Hoffman)
(Mike Mussina)
(Billy Wagner)

Johnny Bench
Mickey Cochrane
Josh Gibson
Yogi Berra
Bill Dickey
Gabby Hartnett
Roy Campanella
Carlton Fisk
(Mike Piazza)
(Ivan Rodriguez)

First Base:
Jimmie Foxx
Buck Leonard
Eddie Murray
Lou Gehrig
Willie McCovey
George Sisler
Hank Greenberg
Mark McGwire
Bill Terry
Harmon Killebrew
(Frank Thomas)
(Jeff Bagwell)
(Albert Pujols)
(Todd Helton)
(Fred McGriff)

Second Base:
Rod Carew
Charlie Gehringer
Joe Morgan
Eddie Collins
Rogers Hornsby
Jackie Robinson
Frankie Frisch
Napoleon Lajoie
(Ryne Sandberg)
(Craig Biggio)
(Roberto Alomar)
(Jeff Kent)


Luis Aparicio
Joe Cronin
Honus Wagner
Luke Appling
Cal Ripken Jr.
Robin Yount
Ernie Banks
Ozzie Smith
(Derek Jeter)
(Barry Larkin)
(Nomar Garciaparra)
(Miguel Tejada)

Third Base:
George Brett
Paul Molitor
Mike Schmidt
Eddie Matthews
Brooks Robinson
Pie Traynor
(Alex Rodriguez)
(Chipper Jones)
(Wade Boggs)

Hank Aaron
Rickey Henderson
Frank Robinson
Cool Papa Bell
Joe Jackson
Pete Rose
Barry Bonds
Reggie Jackson
Babe Ruth
Lou Brock
Al Kaline
Al Simmons
Oscar Charleston
Willie Keeler
Duke Snider
Roberto Clemente
Ralph Kiner
Tris Speaker
Ty Cobb
Mickey Mantle
Willie Stargell
Joe DiMaggio
Willie Mays
Paul Waner
Goose Goslin
Joe Medwick
Billy Williams
Ken Griffey Jr.
Stan Musial
Ted Williams
Tony Gwynn
Mel Ott
Carl Yastrzemski
Harry Heilmann
(Manny Ramirez)
(Ichiro Suzuki)
(Kirby Puckett)
(Dale Murphy)
(Larry Walker)
(Vlad Guerrero)
(Sammy Sosa)
(Gary Sheffield)
(Andruw Jones)
(Jim Rice)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


The music video mention in the title was the first one aired by MTV and music television, along with our culture was changed.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

In 1977 -

My dad was the last one to the table as we waited patiently. When he passed by my mom's seat, he tossed two objects down on her yet-to-be-filled plate. As all three of us kids looked and inquired about these strange two things that brought my mom such joy...whaalaa - tickets to see Elvis!

Tragically, he died within a few weeks of this surprise. My buddy Anthony Norton threw his skateboard in the air and it struck a telephone pole and broke a wheel. The death of Elvis caused much pain in our neighborhood and in my home. Today that happened 30 years ago.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

A Date In History -

August 8, 1863 : General Robert E. Lee Offers Resignation
In the aftermath of his defeat at Gettysburg, Confederate General Robert E. Lee sends a letter of resignation as commander of the Army of Northern Virginia to Confederate President Jefferson Davis. As the press began to openly speculate about Lee's leadership, the great general reflected on the campaign at his headquarters in Orange Courthouse, Virginia.
The modest Lee took the failure at Gettysburg very personally. In his letter to Davis, he wrote, "I have been prompted by these reflections more than once since my return from Pennsylvania to propose to Your Excellency the propriety of selecting another commander for this army.... No one is more aware than myself of my inability for the duties of my position. I cannot even accomplish what I myself desire.... I, therefore, in all sincerity, request your Excellency to take measure to supply my place."
Lee not only seriously questioned his ability to lead his army, he was also experiencing significant physical fatigue. He might also have sensed that Gettysburg was his last chance to win the war. Regardless, President Davis refused the request. He wrote, "To ask me to substitute you by someone ... more fit to command, or who would possess more of the confidence of the army ... is to demand an impossibility."

August 8, 1974 : President Richard M. Nixon Resigns
On this day in 1974, President Richard M. Nixon resigns in the wake of the Watergate burglary scandal. He was the first president in American history to resign. In a televised address, Nixon, flanked by his family, announced to the American public that he would step down rather than endure a Senate impeachment trial for obstruction of justice.
Since 1972, Nixon had battled increasing vociferous allegations that he knew of, and may have authorized, a botched burglary in which several men were arrested for attempting to bug the offices of the Democratic National Committee, located in the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. Between 1972 and 1974, the press, and later a Senate investigation committee, revealed disturbing details that revealed that Nixon had indeed attempted to cover up the crime committed by key members of his administration and re-election committee. The most damning evidence came from subpoenaed tape recordings of Nixon’s White House conversations. Nixon fought the release of the tapes, which led the House of Representatives in 1973 to initiate impeachment charges against the president for obstruction of justice.
During the televised address, Nixon stated that he had never been a "quitter" and that choosing to resign went against his instincts. He refused to confess to committing the alleged high crimes and misdemeanors of which he was accused. He claimed his decision was encouraged by his political base and was in the best interests of the country and said that he hoped it would heal the political and social division caused by the Watergate scandal.
A report by the Washington Post on August 9 revealed the drama that had unfolded in the White House cabinet room an hour before Nixon’s resignation speech. After saying goodbye to 46 members of Congress, including his staunchest supporters, the president told them that the "country could not operate with a half-time President," broke into tears and left the room.

August 8, 2006 : I Agreed To Resign From Parkgate Community Church
Okay, so I am still sorting through this whole "resigning" from being a pastor. It has been a whole year since that discussion took place in the pastor's office @ 8:30 in the morning. I really thought then that by now, I would have been appointed to another place to serve and love.
Still waiting...we are back worshipping at Parkgate after 5 months of worshipping mostly at Sagemonth church. The kids are very pleased and more settled since we are back, but I am not 100% sure as to why we are there and not "in ministry" somewhere else.

August 8...will return many more times with many more resignations. Hopefully, my name will never again be attached to history like this again. God rules.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Greatest Softball Teammates

P - Wade Calvert (Georgetown, KY)

C - Bob Feeback a.k.a. Dad - who still gets it done (Winchester, KY)

1B - P.D. McNabb (Cynthiana, KY) a former 3B converted to 1B after major knee surgery

2B - Nathan Bentley (Greenup, Lexington, Harrodsburg, Outer Banks) - tremendous athlete who can play anywhere.

3B - (tie) Donnie Draper & Alan Ware - (Lexington & Winchester, KY). Both have outstanding fielding skills. Alan is a HR hitter and Donnie is 2B hitter. Take your pick, you can't lose.

SS - Robbie Feeback (my brother is solid up the middle) - Winchester, KY

LF - Rob Quam (great guy, great player) - Lake Wales, FL

LC - Bill Hoffman of Georgetown, KY. He earns a starting nod because of his reckless and boundless energy. Not to mention...he is extremely funny and great in the dugout.

RC - Chris Seals (Wilmore, KY) - great dude, really good outfielder

RF - Biz Gainey (Apopka, FL). One of my closest friends in college and beyond. Loves to throw out runners trying to stretch a double.

EH - Mike Stout. My Little League Assistant Coach and friend gets to hit without playing the field!

Bench: Kris Stevens (Georgetown dude can fly); Aaron McHone (San Antonio dude that can fly); Luke Bentley (Greenup, Lexington, Wilmore, California, etc) - he plays a mean outfield and is downright hilarious to have on a team; and Van Joyner - (Lake Wales, FL). Van is extremely athletic for a guy around 50.

Head Coach: Oney Vanlandingham (Georgetown, KY)
Assistant Coach: Billy Fain (Georgetown, KY)

Okay, so I left off a lot of buddies, friends, great players, and others...One can never make a definitive list and include everyone. This team has a great mixture of talent and character, not to mention some real comical people!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

All Time Rankings...

For whatever reason my skewed brain believes and acts upon, I enjoy making lists of the best of things. Subjects range from Favorite Movies, Songs, Books, & even my favorite years!

My leadoff category is Best Baseball Team Ever & Batting Lineup (historical and current):
I also have included bench players following each position, which makes a very large roster.

Of course with any baseball list, many have been left off worth mentioning and ranking.